How mySugr Improves Diabetes Therapy with Mobile Scanning
Find out how mySugr improves diabetes therapy routines by deploying mobile data capture to their app.
mySugr is a diabetes service company that was founded in Vienna in 2012. Their apps and web services work in a way that eases the daily therapy routines and supports people with diabetes in their dealings with it. For example, they offer a Diabetes Logbook and a Junior Logbook app for kids who have diabetes as well as the mySugr Importer that makes the data transfer from blood sugar meters easier than ever. In short, they make diabetes suck less!
Ease the Daily Therapy Routine of People with Diabetes
We met the team from mySugr a few years back when all of us were still working at the co-working space “Sektor5”. The vision of mySugr was fairly simple: they wanted to ease the daily therapy routines of people with diabetes. They had one problem though. They couldn’t find a way to transfer the data from the different kinds of blood sugar meters to the logbook. They wanted to optimize the whole process of people with diabetes having to type in their blood sugar levels several times a day. That’s where Anyline came in – “scan the displays” was our answer to their problem.
With the Anyline SDK, it was made possible to scan the 7 segment displays of lots of different kinds of blood sugar meters, extract the important information (the blood sugar levels) and import them into the mySugr Diabetes Logbook. Since all of these numbers and digits actually are medical data, we need to be very precise and accurate and our detection rate needs to be very high.
Want to see our scanning solution in Action?
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