smartphone scanning a tire number

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What data do you want to capture?
What vehicle data do you want to capture
What do you want to scan?
Do you want to capture the meters via?
Do you want to capture the Vehicle Identification Number via?
Do you want to capture the tire commercial ID via?
Do you want to scan the ID cards via?
Do you want to scan the driver´s licenses via?
Do you want to scan passports and MRZ documents via?
Do you want to capture the tire identification numbers via?
Do you want to capture the tire size via?
Do you want to scan the barcodes via?
Do you want to scan the license plates via?
Do you want to scan the containers serial numbers via?
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See all ways to test Anyline technology

Mobile demo

Get all the benefits of Anyline data capture on your app. Anyline Mobile SDK is designed to be integrated into mobile apps on native environments and on a variety of cross-platform technologies. It´s built to handle all data processing on the user’s device, making data capture possible without an internet connection. Try it now on your mobile device! 

With Anyline Mobile SDK you can digitize data from:
  • Tire DOT/TIN 
  • Tire Sizes 
  • Tire Commercial ID 
  • Meters 
  • Barcodes 
  • License Plates 
  • VIN 
  • ID 
  • MRZ 
  • Container serial numbers 
  • Odometers 

Mobile web demo

Get all the benefits of Anyline data capture on your website. Anyline Web SDK is based on JavaScript and designed to be integrated into websites or web apps. This flexibility enables end users to experience all the benefits of data capture without needing to install a dedicated app on their mobile device. Test it now for free on our showcase website! 

With Anyline Web SDK you can digitize data from:
  • Tire Sizes 
  • Meters 
  • Barcodes 
  • License Plates  
  • MRZ 
  • VIN 
  • Container serial numbers

Cloud demo

Get all the benefits of Anyline data capture on your app, website, chatbot, or messaging service. Anyline Cloud API enables users to send images from any source to Anyline for processing. The API instantly returns the information captured back to the user. It runs on servers managed by Anyline, so there are no minimum hardware requirements. Try it for free! 

With Anyline Cloud API you can digitize data from:
  • Tire Sidewall 
  • Tire Make & Model 
  • Meters 
  • Barcodes 
  • ID