Anyline 37: Tire size and commercial serial number, web-based license plates and utility scanning
With the release of Anyline 37, we are bringing cutting-edge solutions to the tire industry with extended sidewall scanning, as well as further developing our abilities to support web-based projects!
Mobile, web-based scanning
In an effort to support more platforms and enable every project, Anyline’s US license plate scanning is now available for javascirpt. This allows a web-based integration of our license plate scanning solutions, for a more agile and flexible user experience.
New ID support for Canada, GCC and more
One of our priorities is to always deliver solutions that fit the best customers’ expectations. For this release, we introduced some highly demanded support for specialized Spanish and French characters.
In addition, we further expanded our ID coverage to include:
- Canadian drivers licenses for Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan
- GCC IDs for Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Bahrain
- Montana and Maine drivers licenses
- New Oklahoma IDs
- New German ID layout
- Pakistani IDs