tire retailer with a customer

Why a tyre size scanner improves customer loyalty

Tyres aren’t an equipment item that most customers think much about. And most of the time, they only buy new tyres when their own are either too old or too worn out. It means that the timeframe during which customers are interested in information and offers about tyres is very limited, and most customers will look for the best offer available on the market, regardless of which company is offering.

But this doesn’t mean that tyre dealers cannot act to retain customer loyalty, and technology provides ways to take actions in that direction.


Knowing customers’ tyre size is essential to send them offers

If the tread depth and DOT code allow tyre service providers to anticipate when customers will need new tyres, this data is not enough on its own. Tyres come in many different sizes and with different specifications, and it’s complicated for customers to navigate through hundreds of tyre models and to find the right one for their vehicle.

Fortunately, each tyre has its size and specifications moulded on the sidewall. This code gives every information about the dimensions of the tyre, the rim, the workload index and the speed to which a tyre can give high performance. If customers might not know their way around tire size codes, tyre dealers and service providers do. And by recording this information when a customer buys new tyres or comes in for maintenance, tyre dealers have all the information needed to build a tailor-made offer when the time comes for customers to buy new tyres.

Building a tailor-made offer that suit customers’ needs

When a tyre dealer has the right information at their disposal, it becomes much easier to take action to build up customer loyalty:

  • With tyre tread depth and DOT codes, a tyre dealer can foresee replacement opportunities.
  • With the tire size code, they are able to select models of tyres that are a perfect fit for the customer’s vehicle.

It translates into an offer that is well timed, and well targeted. And not only that, it also shows customers that their tyre dealer or service provider knows exactly what they are looking for and when they are looking for it. It builds up a solid relationship and improves customer satisfaction along the way.

Gathering data is a difficult task

On paper, gathering all that data is great, but it can be a complicated process for tyre dealers that needs adjustments and discipline:

  • Getting the information from each tyre sidewall is very time-consuming and it takes time from tyre technicians. During that time, they are not able to provide service or advice to customers. On average, recording DOT codes from a car takes more than 2 minutes, which adds up at the end of the day.
  • Tyre size and DOT codes are a long series of numbers and letters, and even the most focused technician will make a mistake now and then. It’s only human. The problem is that having a wrong record can result in an offer that is poorly timed, or that presents the wrong tyre models to customers. And if getting things right might seem normal to customers, they are usually less inclined to forgive mistakes.

How to integrate a tyre size scanner in your existing processes

Integrating a tyre size scanning solution to your existing processes is made nice and easy with Anyline’s software development kit (SDK). The technology can be integrated into your app or software, and works on any standard smartphone, ruggedized device or camera-enabled TPMS device running on Android, iOS and UWP, as well as popular platforms like Xamarin, React-Native, UWP, and Cordova.

It can also be combined with a DOT code scanner, as well as VIN and licence plate scanning solutions. And you don’t need to invest in new mobile devices, as it can be integrated on your existing ruggedised devices, TPMS or even technicians’ own smartphones.

If your organisation is aiming to add mobile scanning into its existing software infrastructure, the best first step is to request a 30-day free trial of our software development kit (SDK). With this, you will be able to quickly test out the technical capabilities of OCR for your needs.