Anyline is ISO 27001 certified - Certification for Data Information Security

Anyline Has Received ISO 27001 Certification

We are proud to announce that Anyline has received ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification.

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized, international standard for information security. This certification ensures that a company abides by rules and controls to operate a comprehensive Information Security Management System (ISMS).

Anyline is ISO 27001 Certified

The ISO 27001 certification confirms that Anyline:

  • complies to the gold-standard for data security;
  • has procedures in place to protect sensitive information;
  • conducts on-going risk-management and security checks, and;
  • ensures its networks are protected and strengthened.

Our ISO certification was gained through an independent audit conducted by TÜV SÜD, who commented on the awarding of the certification to Anyline:

Anyline Developer Playground for Tech Developers in AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

Data-Driven Processes, Certified Secure Practices

From our game-changing Trainer platform, which enables users to create tailor-made data capture solutions in one day, to our pioneering research partnership with Sepp Hochreiter’s AI-Lab at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Anyline is defining the future of mobile data capture.

Applying for ISO certification was therefore a logical decision to ensure that our data-driven approach to innovation is matched with equally rigorous data security practices.

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To achieve this certification, Anyline worked closely with SEC Consult, a leading consultancy in the area of cyber and application security.

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