How to Save Time & Reduce Costs With IMEI Scanning
Anyline’s mobile scanning technology empowers you to scan lengthy international mobile equipment identity (IMEI) numbers with any mobile device. IMEI numbers are located on the majority of mobile devices and are often printed on their packaging as well. The numbers are used to identify devices and let network providers know if a phone has permission to connect to their network.
Most users will encounter IMEI numbers when they are needed during the registration process. Scanning IMEI numbers can even help to improve customer experience in stores. Instead of manually typing them, an IMEI scanner can be used to capture the number instantly, meaning a significantly shorter waiting time.
As IMEI numbers are unique to each specific device, they’re also a useful resource when it comes to tracking during supply chain processes. Thanks to years of development and testing, Anyline’s IMEI scanner is one of the most accurate on the market, improving the success rate of supply chain execution.
They can also be used to track warehouse inventories once the devices reach stores. Additionally, IMEI numbers are standardized around the world, making them perfect for mobile data processing.
Mobile IMEI Scanning is Easy to Perform
Writing down or typing a 15-digit IMEI number can be quite tedious. Once you’ve manually collected it, you need to proofread your version to make sure it’s accurate. Repeating this process over and over again can get boring and leads to mistakes, while also taking time away from other tasks.
Deploying a mobile IMEI scanner is a simple alternative that dramatically improves any process. You simply point the camera of your smartphone at your target IMEI and Anyline will automatically perform a scan of the code, quickly and accurately.
Mobile IMEI Scanning Makes Your Workforce More Agile
One of the biggest advantages of mobile IMEI scanning with Anyline is that you can perform scans without the need for an internet connection. Anyline data processes directly on the mobile device itself, meaning that no data is handled by third-party servers, including those of Anyline.
Once your scanned data is processed, you control where it is used whether on a mobile application with your current data management or even on a webpage for easy data entry. You can perform scans in the far corners of storerooms, in the back of trucks, or any other location that isn’t serviced with an internet connection. With offline scanning capability, you perform your scan where and when you need to.
The ability to scan in all locations makes your workforce more agile while also increasing the engagement potential from customers. This leads to improved customer experience as well as a more accurate inventory management process. The success rate of your logistic processes will also see improvements, as it will be much easier to track devices during the many supply chain processes.
By choosing Anyline, you also benefit from our unbeatable versatility when it comes to scanning solutions. So if you need to pair IMEI scanning with barcode or ID scanning, there is no need to look to a different provider.
Add an IMEI Scanner to Your App Today!
Save time & reduce costs with Anyline’s mobile IMEI scanning for mobile applications. You can improve your customer experience, enhance security, and improve the quality of data capturing at the same time.
Anyline’s mobile scanning technology uses artificial intelligence & machine learning to provide you with a fast, accurate, and secure data scanning solution.