ticket inspector scanning a ticket with a mobile device on a train

Data Capture Solutions for Ticket Inspection

Validate tickets and capture personal information quickly and accurately.

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ticket inspection with a smartphone

Mobile Data Capture for Enforcement on Public Transport

Ticket inspectors are under pressure to validate all tickets by the end of a journey whilst also taking the time to correctly issue citations and fines. Mobile data capture helps them serve more passengers in less time by quickly and accurately recording ID data


  • Incorrectly inputting data can make collecting fines impossible leading to loss of revenue
  • Time spent on manual data entry reduces the number of passengers that can be inspected per journey
  • Complaints resulting from incorrect data entry require additional support from service teams
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ticket inspector scanning an ID with a mobile device on a bus

Check every passenger onboard

Anyline cuts the time it takes to scan ticket barcodes and passenger IDs (e.g. driving license, identity card, passport). Speeding up this process allows ticket inspectors to validate every passenger’s ticket and catch more fare infringements before the end of the journey.

Reduce hardware costs

Anyline offers the ability to scan ticket barcodes and passenger IDs on a standard, low-cost smartphone. Allowing ticket inspectors to use their own Android, iOS or UWP device will deliver huge savings on capital expenditure and hardware maintenance.

Improve claim efficiency

Anyline eliminates the chance of manual data entry errors which make fare infringement claims difficult to follow up. Capturing ID data with ultra-high accuracy increases the success rate of fine collection, which results in higher revenue and lower administrative costs.

Keep data secure

Anyline is certified according to the ISO/IEC 27001 security standard and it works offline, without requiring any connection to 3rd party servers. Keeping data offline minimizes the risk of personal data breaches and GDPR compliance issues.

Anyline Mobile Data Capture SDK Features

Offline Scanning

Anyline works offline, allowing you to capture data no matter where you are

Easy Integration

Built with versatility in mind, Anyline easily integrates into native web apps

Real-World Conditioning

Anyline scans in the toughest conditions, from low lighting to dirt and hard-to-read codes

Secure Data Processing

Our on-device processing means all data captured stays safe in your closed system

Scan Verification

Every scan can be checked by comparing it to an additional verification image

Composite Scanning

Individual Anyline scanning solutions can be combined and deployed together on a single device

Frequently Asked Questions for Police Mobile Data Capture

How to Maximize Police Efficiency with Your Smartphone

How works the Digital Transformation of Policing through Mobile Technology.

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