Anyline Trainer: Build Custom Mobile Scanning Solutions with Ease
By Jakob Hofer, Anyline Co-Founder
By Jakob Hofer, Anyline Co-Founder
Today, we are announcing our most ambitious project to date, the Anyline Trainer.
The Trainer, which we have presented for the first time today at the Zebra APPFORUM in Las Vegas, is driven by a singular vision: making AI, machine learning, and computer vision accessible to everyone.
We are doing this by giving our users the power and creative control to create unique mobile scanning solutions, for any situation.
And most importantly, we have made it usable by everyone; getting started requires no knowledge of AI or machine learning models at all, and users will be able to see their first results within a matter of hours instead of weeks.
Accurate and Custom-Tailored Mobile Scanning Solutions
Until now, we have led the market for mobile scanning, creating new, innovative solutions for a variety of different use cases & many industries. Anyline provides mobile scanning solutions for scanning IDs, license plates, and utility meters, to even car tires, to name only a few examples.
With Anyline Trainer, our users will be able to create custom solutions to their exact specifications, resulting in the highest degree of accuracy with every scan.
How will Anyline Trainer work?
The beauty of any great tech product is in the distillation of the incredibly intricate into something which even a beginner can understand and use.
Looking under the hood, the Anyline Trainer improves neural networks via enhanced machine learning and AI model training. When training data in the form of real-world image data sets get uploaded to the Trainer, they go through a process of annotation, training, and first deployment.
By using closed-loop training, the solution will continue to improve itself with every scan being made, as it incorporates each new image into an expanding library of information that gets used for new training cycles.
Thankfully, each of these steps is automatic; for the user of the Trainer, all you will need to do is upload your images, click ‘start’, and the Trainer will begin learning.
It’s as simple as that.

Anyline Trainer Partnership
Are you an early adopter? Is your company ready to become a part of the future of mobile scanning and OCR technology?
If so, apply today to get exclusive early access as an Anyline Trainer Partner.