Odometer Scanning
Capture odometer data with your smartphone
Anyline Odometer Scanner Features
Real-World Conditioning
Scan odometers in any environment
Continuous Scanning
Work faster and save time by eliminating manual entry
Offline Processing
Scan odometers without any network or internet connectivity
Composite Scanning
Reduce hardware costs by using only one device for multiple scanning modes
Our on-device processing means all data captured stays safe in your closed system
Improved Data Quality
Remove the errors of manual data entry with your mobile device
How to integrate Anyline SDK
Mobile Apps
Integrate Anyline SDK into your App in just a couple of days. Available natively on iOS, Android and Windows, as well cross-platform on React Native, Xamarin, .NET (MAUI), Flutter and Cordova.
Web Apps
Integrate Anyline SDK onto your website in a matter of hours with our JavaScript implementation.
Discover other great scanning solutions from Anyline:
Tire Scanning
Capture all the tire sidewall data required for retail and commercial tire business
VIN Scanning
Capture data from 17-digit VINs on windshields, windows, bodywork and documents
License Plate Scanning
Capture vehicle registration data from license plates from around the world