woman doing self meter reading at home

Data Capture Solutions for Meter Reading at Home

Self-meter reading. Simply a better customer experience.

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Mobile Data Capture for Self-Meter Reading.

Asking customers to submit their meter readings by phone or postcard can be inconvenient and error-prone, often leading to overcharging and disputes. With mobile data capture the whole process can be made fast and foolproof.

  • Traditional home meter readings processes are inconvenient and error prone
  • Incorrect meter readings lead to overcharging, ‘bill shock’ and disputes that can result in customers switching providers
  • Sending technicians out after incorrect home reading is inefficient and costly
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man reading a meter with a smartphone

Get meter readings faster

Anyline mobile data capture empowers your customers to instantly and accurately scan their own meters and submit the results. The whole process takes just a few seconds, compared to the hours that technicians spend out on the road every day.

Keep customers happy and avoid churn

Anyline meter reading can be easily integrated into a customer app or a website. Providing data capture tools that help make customers’ lives easier will help ensure that they are satisfied and reduce the chances of switching to other suppliers.

Reduce workforce meter reading operations

Anyline enables you to leverage your customers as a low-cost scanning workforce using their own phones. Taking technicians off the road reduces salary overheads, cuts vehicles and fuel expenses, and removes the need to equip a whole workforce with mobile devices.

Getting started is easy

Introducing mobile data capture doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Anyline makes integrating our software development kit (SDK) as easy as possible. Anyline works with virtually any smartphone running Android, iOS or UWP, and also supports common integration frameworks such as Xamarin, Cordova and React Native. Adding features and updating is simple and seamless.

Anyline Mobile Data Capture SDK Features

Offline Scanning

Anyline works offline, allowing you to capture data no matter where you are

Easy Integration

Built with versatility in mind, Anyline easily integrates into native web apps

Real-World Conditioning

Anyline scans in the toughest conditions, from low lighting to dirt and hard-to-read codes

Secure Data Processing

Our on-device processing means all data captured stays safe in your closed system

Verify Verification

Every scan can be checked by comparing it to an additional verification image

Composite Scanning

Individual Anyline scanning solutions can be combined and deployed together on a single device

Frequently Asked Questions for Mobile Meter Reading

Why Mobile Scanning is the Future of Home-Meter Reading

In this eBook, we will discuss how mobile data capture can save your customers time, while also protecting your bottom line.

Are you a developer? Or just love details? Check out our specs.